I’m in awe of our city’s arts community-
I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of so many great events and initiatives recently!
Last week, we had the pleasure of opening Die-Nasty, The Live Improvised Soap Opera to a packed crowd, with Ron Pederson and Janis Irwin guesting. We kicked off the newest season of Die Nasty, GOLD FOOLS. This ace group of silly goofs will be back at it tonight, 7:30pm at the Varscona Theatre.

Last night, I got to perform alongside Robyn Ashley as part of After Hours at the Commodore YEG. It was an intimate night of live music, put on by a wonderful group of people who want to bring more eyes and ears to the music happening here in our city. I’ll be sure to share the YouTube link once my episode goes live.

Speaking of YouTube events, I’ve had to postpone the release of my upcoming music video, High Level, to November 15. There’s just too much excitement and creativity happening over here!

There’s much more I could say at this moment, but I’ll leave some of it for future posts.
In the meanwhile, I hope you’re all having a great start to your week!