Ellie Heath: SHINE EP Release Concert

SHINE, my first ever EP, releases on JUNE 20TH, and I’ll be celebrating with an EP Release Concert at Roxy 124 Street that same night! It’s a Thursday!

Waffelhouse will be opening and Kena León will be closing the night out with some great tunes and dancing!

There will be merch! There will be doughnuts! There will be good vibes! I’ll be playing with a live band- more details to come on that closer to!

My next single, the title track off the EP, SHINE, will be releasing on June 13th, so get out that calendar and mark it! June 13th and June 20th, we’re going to SHINE OUR LIGHTS together, sweet friends!

And if you forget, don’t even worry about it. I’m going to be SHOUTING IT OUT for the next month and a bit!

Grab your tickets to the show through this link! 🙂